Silver Metal Oxides systems are used for heavier duty applications and are typically suitable for switching currents up to 3000A with low arc-erosion when switching 100 to 3000A. Cadmium Oxide confers an anti-welding property to an electrical contact and good arc-extinguishing properties which, above 70A, are better than other metal oxide systems.

In our range of Silver Metal Oxide products we can supply Cadmium containing alloys in various forms.

We can offer CAD 10 in wire form; the structure of this wire is particularly suited to contact heading applications.

We can supply this material in strip form or tips which can also contain a silver backing which has been bonded to one side to assist subsequent joining processes, tips produced from this material are also available in a range of dimensions.

Due to the REACH and RoHS legislation requirements Thessco is required to maintain an audit trail for these materials to ensure that they are only manufactured where the customers orders comply fully with the derogations under the current legislation.

For further information on these materials and applications please contact us directly.

Material Density g/cc Annealed Hv Solidus (°C) Electrical Conductivity %IACS Electrical Resistivity
Cadosil 10 (Ag10CdO) 10.0 85 962 83 2.08
Cadosil 12 (Ag12CdO) 9.9 90 962 78 2.21