Alloys can be produced as solid or flux cored wire (Flux content 0.5-3.5%), bars or pre-forms. ST400 and ST300 are recommended for use in environments where ‘soft’ water would corrode conventional tin-lead solders. The Silver containing alloys resist Silver migration when soldering silver plated components. Special Alloys can be produced upon customers’ request.

Thessco Grade Nominal Composition Melting Range (°C) EN 29453 Specifications Comments
Ag Sn Cu Zn Other Solidus Liquidus
ST400 4 96 221 224 28 Good colour match for INOX
ST350 4.5 96.5 221 221 28 Good for narrow joint gaps
ST300 3 97 221 225 29
SC300 97 3 230 250 24 Higher temperature resistance
SC1000 90 10 221 295

Other materials are available upon request – please consult your Sales Office. Safety Data Sheets are available on request